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酒店和度假所有权云顶集团400811的全球领导者花费了大量资金来存储超过3个,000 marketing and promotional items in a large, centralized warehouse. 该公司依靠多家供应商进行采购和分销管理, which only added to the problem; resulting in greater inefficiencies and higher costs—purchases were spread out among supply sources with limited opportunities for higher volume discounts or negotiated rates. 管理库存是另一个昂贵的问题,缺乏控制和高过时. There was no centralized, online repository of assets; making it difficult to keep track of items and fulfill orders from its individual resorts. Additionally, 现有商业模式的灵活性有限,无法适应度假村的定制订单,这些定制订单希望在打印的标准项目(如……)上添加个性化的触摸, resort marketing materials, posters, and business operation materials such as, TV guides and menus.


It was clear that a major transformation was desperately needed. 该公司寻求经验丰富的战略合作伙伴的专业知识,建立供应商关系和先进的数字化转型能力,为其当前业务模式的转变扫清道路. 它意识到,依靠多个提供商的服务进行仓储, procurement and fulfillment were both costly and inefficient; switching to one provider to manage it all was the best option. Once Exela was chosen, the hard work began. The first step towards transformation was to introduce a new print on demand system; which meant moving over all of the items currently being stored in the warehouse. An automated procurement system replaced the old way of managing the supply chain; providing a streamlined, web-based platform for selecting vendors; securing quotes; and tracking jobs. And, because it’s vendor agnostic, Exela能够将所有第三方应用程序集成到自己的电子投标平台中,从而实现供应商分类, 为采购过程的不同层次提供公认的节约方法和报告.

Next, 为各个度假村提供更大的订购灵活性和更多的定制选择, Exela实施了一种智能营销解决方案,具有在线印刷和促销项目订购的数字店面. Utilizing variable data composition engines, this platform allows for personalized, targeted communications. Now, 度假村将能够从模板菜单和设计选项中进行选择,以创建独特的营销资产,以获得更好的客户体验.


By shifting towards a more digitally-enabled business model, the company realized significant savings, while creating a more personalized, engaging experience for its customers. Through the deployment of its on-demand fulfillment application, it was able to reduce its physical inventory by approximately 70%. And, 通过整合其供应链管理和采购服务, 通过自动化战略采购操作,它能够减少每个月产生的过多成本. 该公司不再需要依赖几家供应商来采购物品,并从供应商那里获得最优惠的价格. 拥有Exela的投标管理能力和在线采购系统, the company was guaranteed competitive pricing. In fact, within the first year; the company realized a savings of $1.4MM. With the implementation of Intelligent marketing applications, individual resorts (a total of 1,500名终端用户)受益于更大的订购灵活性和个性化设计选项.

Other notable accomplishments include:

  • -为公司开发一个强大的基于网络的解决方案,以访问印刷的通信和促销项目
  • - Optimization of the supply chain; resulting in a 25% savings on promotional material for the resorts
  • -减少企业印刷支出,转化为每个度假村的显著成本节约
  • -利用智能通信提升客户体验
  • - The procurement of a 10.1英寸的平板电脑为度假村的会员计划节省了930美元.000 (35%)
  • -提供两名能够对任何紧急需求作出反应的现场买家
  • - Corporate sponsorship of the company’s flagship golf tournament


By utilizing a cloud-based approach, we were able to provide transparency, 同时在整个公司范围内显著节省成本. In all, 该公司通过利用数字化和自动化来实现更高效的流程,成功地实现了业务转型, significant costs savings, and a more advantageous market position.

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