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Use AP Automation to Give Your Customers More

In a fast-paced business landscape, 要想在竞争中保持领先,仅仅提供出色的产品或服务是不够的. 它是关于提供卓越的客户体验,使你的品牌与众不同. 这个等式的一个经常被忽视的方面是内部过程的效率. 这就是应付账款自动化发挥作用的地方. 

In this blog, 我们将探讨AP自动化如何不仅可以提高您的运营效率,还可以帮助您为客户提供更多价值.




Accounts Payable in Simple Terms

AP automation, also known as accounts payable automation, 需要通过技术手段数字化处理应付账款程序, as opposed to traditional manual methods. 这种方法为企业管理和结算发票的方式带来了范式转变.

它是一种技术驱动的解决方案,可以简化和自动化整个应付账款流程. This includes tasks such as invoice processing, data entry, approval workflows, and payment management. By replacing manual, paper-based processes with automation, businesses can achieve significant benefits, which ultimately lead to customer satisfaction. A smart AP automation solution such as Exela’s,将帮助您节省更多时间,同时提高整个流程的可视性和准确性. 


Benefits of AP automation

1. Be accurate every time AP自动化的主要优点之一是它能够减少人为错误. 手工录入数据不仅费时,而且容易出错.

These errors can result in delayed payments, double payments, or incorrect billing, 所有这些都会对你与供应商的关系产生负面影响, by extension, your customers. 通过智能AP自动化系统进行处理,确保准确处理发票, leading to smoother, 为您的客户提供更快的操作和更可靠的服务.


2. Eliminating bottlenecks for faster processing -今天的客户期望快速的服务和对他们的询问的快速回应. 通过消除与手动任务相关的瓶颈,自动化应付账款可以加速发票处理和审批工作流程. 它还可以帮助你腾出时间,让你的员工专注于更重要的活动.  

This means you can pay your suppliers on time, avoid late fees, 并保持货物和服务顺利流向你的客户. 


3. Instant visibility -客户喜欢透明度,您可以通过智能自动化解决方案提供实时可见性. 

Be it the status of invoices, payments or financial data, 应付账款自动化可以让你即时了解流程. 这种透明度不仅有助于及时解决任何账单或付款查询,还可以与客户建立信任. 他们知道他们可以依靠你提供准确和最新的信息.


4. Enhance supplier relations – Your suppliers are integral to your operations, 他们的满意度直接影响到你满足客户需求的能力. 

AP自动化可以通过确保及时付款和有效沟通,帮助您与供应商建立更牢固的关系. 快乐的供应商更有可能提供更好的条款, 哪些可以转化为成本节约,你可以传递给你的客户和长期的工作关系.


Image of laptop with an invoice marked paid


So, 如果你想给你的客户更多, consider the transformative power of AP automation.

AP自动化是一个强大的工具,可以显著提高您的操作效率, improve accuracy, and reduce costs. Ultimately, this translates into a better customer experience, making your brand more attractive and reliable.

而产品质量和客户服务是最重要的, 内部流程的效率不应被低估. Incorporating AP automation into your business strategy is not just about staying ahead of the curve; it's about staying ahead in the hearts and minds of your customers.

It's not just an investment in your internal processes; it's an investment in the future of your business and your customer relationships. 如果你想改善你的应付账款流程, get in touch and we will help answer your questions. 

Discover how Exela's AP automation solution 帮助一家大型制造商实现了更高的付款准确性和96%的发票数字化流程. Read the full AP automation case study!