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市场波动, 工作岗位变化, 商业策略也随之改变, but one constant in business is the use of technology in the workplace. 随着技术的不断进步, digital solutions have played a critical role in determining how businesses progress.

Once technology entered the workplace there was no going back. Wi-Fi became necessary, cloud systems provided an easy way 为员工 to share and view 数字文件, and smartphones allow for easier communication among coworkers, clients, and suppliers. 今天,我们期待自动化,并寻找更多的方法来创造一个富有成效的虚拟工作环境.

工作场所的技术最终开始定义商业运作,甚至影响消费者的欲望和行为. 企业努力满足客户的需求,并学习如何提高运营效率,这正是自动化技术和人工智能(AI)学习为企业提供竞争优势的地方. 企业将越来越依赖于工作场所的技术,即使这个工作场所是虚拟的.


在20世纪80年代, 随着个人工作电脑的引入,工作场所的技术开始变得普遍, 笔记本电脑, 以及世界上第一部手机. Suddenly, there were new avenues for businesses to explore thanks to technology.

20世纪90年代出现了互联网. 互联网诞生于1989年, but in the 90s we started seeing it being used more frequently in the work environment. 有了互联网, 企业可以更好地与客户或供应商沟通,也可以通过使用电子邮件扩大客户, 网站, 电子商务商店.

In the 2000s, the cloud was introduced and became the new technology in the workplace. Businesses began digitizing their data and uploading it to a secure cloud for simple storage, 组织, 文件共享. 智能手机也成为常态的一部分,为企业提供了以更独特的方式接触消费者的机会.

In the 2010s, technology was completely integrated into the workplace. 一些公司已经为在家工作或花大量时间出差的员工实施了解决方案. 

At this time, we were introduced to the Internet of Things (IoT). We started seeing IoT devices that connected to just about anything from motion sensors to speakers. 实现有助于简化工作流程的软件集成或可以连接到其他设备的硬件集成变得很常见. As everything became more connected, the possibilities began growing.





虽然工作场所的技术已经在发展, the COVID-19 pandemic forced businesses to shoot ahead with their digital solutions. With lockdown initiatives and people choosing to stay at home to stay safe, 需要有特定的数字解决方案,以确保在人们远程工作时生产力保持不变,工作流程不受阻碍.

根据… 麦肯锡全球调查, 在疫情期间,93%的公司转向远程工作,34%的公司表示将资产迁移到云端的速度更快. There's no denying that the pandemic pushed digital transformation forward quickly.

At this point, technology is essential to create an effective and 智能工作环境 为员工, 特别是在那些继续让员工完全远程工作或在混合环境中工作的公司.

今天, 技术围绕着远程工作的能力,或自动化繁琐和重复的任务,以降低成本,提高运营效率. 公司现在依靠平台和软件来帮助简化工作流程,并允许员工轻松协作. Many are digitizing document files to ensure that employees, 不管他们在哪里, 可以访问云中的某些文档吗.

随着网络连接需求的增长,企业也在为消费者提供更多的在线支持. 公司正在确保一项服务, 无论是电子商务网站还是解决方案, would work just as well on a desktop as it would on a mobile device. These tools have become a critical aspect of business operations, and digital transformation has become a priority for many businesses to remain competitive.

If we look ahead, we can expect to see further automation and technology in the workplace. 超过50% 大多数员工认为,技术将在未来5到10年内决定工作场所的变化. 在某种意义上, 我们已经看到了这一点,因为许多正在进行数字化转型的公司都需要一个专门的数字安全团队, 从而创造新的就业机会.

约70%的员工 对工作场所自动化和技术的提高感觉良好,因为这将提高他们的工作效率,并腾出时间从事重复性较低的任务和更具创造性的任务.

这不是新闻 technology in the workplace has the capability of increasing creativity 和生产力. In 2019, 大流行之前, employees who worked in an environment that supplied automation and technology were 生产力提高31%.


Technology in the workplace benefits companies, employees, and consumers. 配合自动化及辅助软件的使用, 组织s have been able to increase their efficiency quickly, 尤其是在自动化方面. 许多曾经需要花费大量时间手工完成的任务可以通过自动化系统快速而准确地完成. 正如我们之前提到的, 这让员工有更多的时间专注于他们职位上更具战略性和创造性的方面,而不是把时间花在繁琐的任务上.


While many people have touted fears about technology reducing jobs, AI is expected to create 到2025年新增9700万个就业岗位. The implementation of AI will by itself create positions that we haven't needed before. 举个例子, when cloud systems and software were first introduced to companies, 就需要IT和数字安全团队. As more technology in the workplace is introduced, we’ll begin to see more positions open.

任何必须或继续在远程或混合系统上操作的公司都明白技术在工作场所的重要性. Even for companies that require on-site workers, technology in the workplace still benefits them. 自动化技术不仅可以消除繁琐的任务,而且可以更准确、更快速地执行任务, but many different platforms and software systems allow employees to better collaborate, 创建工作流, 简化操作.

随着技术的进步, 企业也在寻找更多的方式,通过各种设备和平台与消费者建立联系. 通过社交媒体, 移动应用程序, 电子商务商店, companies can easily reach their customers and provide online services and products.


科技给工作场所带来了许多好处, but it also comes with challenges that businesses need to face. 其中一个挑战包括确保员工在使用的任何技术方面接受适当的培训. While companies may push forward to implement digital solutions, 在匆忙中, they may forget the proper training and security that is involved with any technology. 必须以稳定的速度引进技术,以确保制定指导方针和进行适当的培训.

Another challenge with technology is prioritizing security, 包括杀毒软件, vpn, 和密码. 企业需要有效的工具和良好的组织技能来确保安全的信息保持安全. A security breach can lead to important data being lost, 消费者信任度下降, and time being spent fixing anything that went down during the breach.

随着越来越多的公司采用技术, 工人们在享受福利的同时也面临挑战, 尤其是保持健康的工作与生活平衡. 当员工可以把工作放在手机上时,他们就更难不插电了. Many employees will still respond to emails past work hours. 员工可能会收到来自电子邮件或聊天的通知,这些通知会分散他们在专注于特定任务时的注意力. 鼓励健康的工作与生活平衡,并实施一个允许员工在专注于特定任务时拔掉插头的系统,这可能非常有用,并有助于员工保持生产力.


技术在工作场所并不新鲜. 随着软盘和个人笔记本电脑的出现, technology in the workplace has become an ever-present constant in today's work environment. 就像商业中的其他事情一样, 它将继续发展,但不会像过去那样退居次要地位,扮演配角, 技术正被越来越多地推向最前沿,业务运营现在依赖于技术的改进,并期望技术的改进能更有效地运行.

Digital transformation is more important now than ever. It's expected that by 2025 companies will invest around 2.8万亿美元的数字化转型. Business process outsourcing (BPO) and business process automation (BPA) providers such as Exela, help companies take steps to further their digital transformation. 寻找数字解决方案可能会让人望而生畏,而依靠BPA供应商可以帮助更好地在工作场所实施技术.

视图 Exela案例研究 that show the many benefits companies experienced with digital transformation.